Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00AM to 9:00PM Sat-Sun 9:00AM to 8:00PM
WellingtonNew Zealand


Chris got into personal training because he loves to see people reach their potential.

“A lot of the time people underestimate themselves. It’s said people only push themselves to 40% of their potential on their own. I’m here to give you the tools and knowledge to reach your full potential.”

Chris always had an active lifestyle, representing Nelson in basketball and cricket. Also excelling in snowboarding, skating and golf. He has had over a decade of experience in the gym, but it’s in the last several years when his metanoia began. Obsessing and immersing himself in a healthy lifestyle, and longevity.

“I love empowering people so they feel they can tackle anything in life. I believe age is not a barrier, whether you feel too old, or too young to do something. It’s just a hurdle that can be cleared. When you get into routine and start seeing improvements, it builds your confidence to achieve greater things in any areas of your life – It promotes a cycle of success!”


Graduated with distinction in Exercise Science and Physiology Level 5

  • Anatomy
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Fitness testing
  • Methods of training
  • Nutrition
  • First aid Level 2

Skill set / Experience:

  • Weight loss / Management
  • Hypertrophy (Muscle gains)
  • Power-lifting and Strength Training
  • Core and Joint Stability / Muscular balancing
  • Sports Specific Training
  • Longevity Supplementation / Nutrition / Protocol